It's crisp pages always excite me with hopes of filling them with wonderful thoughts.
It's tangy scent promises a fresh start. A new beginning.
I'm always thrilled to load it up to its last page. But most of the time, my entries only fill it halfway and its pages are running half-empty. The rest were trails of crumpled pieces when I can't get things right.
At some point in our lives we yearn for a new beginning. We hope for it when we have a wrong turn, an awful choice; when we missed out on something or messed up everything.
We wish to start over again somewhere.
Unfortunately, in real-life, starting over is not as easy as tearing up a page or two when your thoughts are out of synch or you can't pull your act together. There's not even a guarantee that you will get it right on your next try. But it's a comfort though that you're starting somewhere... Just like buying this new notebook with great hopes of finally filling it up to its last page, or at least forever try.